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Time off - Policies
Time off - Policies

Accessible to administrators

Updated over a week ago
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The policies define entitlements and usage periods of employee time off. They are composed of different customisable time off types.

A policy can be assigned to several employees.

You can create, modify or delete policies as required.


You can enter the name of the time off policies. This must be unique and can be changed at any time.

You can also delete the policy. All employees will be unassigned from this policy.

Time off types

Time off types make up the time off policy. There are several standard types (Paid time off, Sick leave, and Remote). It is possible to add other customised time off types. You can activate or deactivate these types in the different policies assigned to employees.

Time off types

Time off types define whether an employee is entitled to it or not.

  • Accrual: entitlement is granted according to accrual rules (e.g. paid leave)

  • Unlimited: employees can take an unlimited number of days (e.g. sick leave)

Accrual allowance

Number of days that employees accumulate per entitlement period (e.g. 25 days time off per year).

Accrual period

The accumulation period defines the reference period for the acquisition of entitlement.

  • Jan-Dec: renewal of entitlement is on 1st of January of each year

  • June-May: renewal of entitlement is on the 1st of June of each year

  • Customise: renewal of entitlement is on the 1st of the selected month

Accrual frequency

The accrual frequency defines when the entitlements are granted.

  • Start of accumulation year: annual entitlements are granted at the beginning of the accumulation period

  • End of month: monthly entitlements are granted at the end of the month

Usage period

The usage period defines the period during which the accumulated entitlement can be used.

  • In the current accumulation period: the entitlement accumulated in period N can be used in the same period N.

  • In the next accumulation period: the entitlement accumulated in period N are usable in period N+1.

  • In the current and the next accumulation period: the entitlement accumulated in period N are usable in period N and N+1.

Deduction mode

The deduction mode defines the days deducted when requesting an absence.

  • Monday to Friday (working days)

  • Monday to Saturday (working days)

Please note: If your employee takes a week's leave, they must select Monday to Saturday in their usage period. In this case, 6 days are deducted.

  • Monday to Sunday

  • Based on the typical working week

If your employee is taking a week off, he/she will have to select Monday to Saturday in his/her claim period. In this case, 6 days will be deducted.


Absence defines whether it is a real or just a physical absence.

  • If the box is ticked, the absence hours are recorded in the employee's timesheet (e.g. paid leave).

  • If the box is unchecked, the hours of absence are not recorded in the employee's timesheet (e.g. remote).


The validation defines whether this type of absence should be validated or not.

  • If the box is checked, the time off requests are automatically validated.

  • If the box is unchecked, the time off requests are subject to validation.


Carryover defines whether unused days in the usage period are lost or whether they can be used in the next period.

  • Employees cannot carry over unused days

  • Employees can carry over unused days

Carryover limit

The carryover limit defines the maximum number of unused days that can be carried over to the next period. Days exceeding this limit are lost.


Expiry defines whether the deferred days have an expiry date.

  • If enabled, unused carryover days expire annually on the selected expiry date

  • If not activated, unused carryover days do not expire

Weekly limit (Plus)

The weekly limit defines a weekly usage limit for this type of absence for employees. The limit is reset every Monday.


You can assign several employees to a policy.

Assigned employees are subject to the rules defined in the time off policy.

An employee can only be assigned to one policy.

To unassign an employee, click the - button on the right.


You can adjust the balances of the available absence types for the assigned employees. The accumulation period you want to adjust can be selected. Changes are only applied to this period. The entitlement defined within the policy is applied at the next renewal.

  • Accumulation: entitlement accumulated over the period

  • Carryover: entitlement carried over from the previous period

  • Requests: number of absence days requested

  • Adjustment: manual adjustment of absence days

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