To access User roles, go to Settings > Configuration on the top right corner.
Then, in Permission and Access, select User roles.
You can assign 4 levels of access to users, and can find the details of the authorisations by clicking on a role.
Account owner: has full rights. Each account can only have one owner, the ownership of the account can be transferred to another user by the latter in Settings> Configuration > Manage account.
📌 This is an administrative role, the account owner won't see any "work-related" notifications like time off requests.
Administrators: have full rights. The number of administrators is not limited. This role can be assigned in Settings > Configuration and the category Permissions and Access> User roles. Then, select the role Administrator and click the category Assigned.
Managers: have additional rights over the members of their team(s).
Managers can be appointed by assigning them to an employee, go to the category People and select the Employee you want to make a Manager.
Then, in Employee's Profile Data, select the role Manager, and under Company structure, select the people you want to make them manage.
Employees: only have access to their data and shared information. Default role when a user is added.
📌 Please note: If the role of the account owner is to be transferred to another user, this can only be done by the current owner.
If this person is no longer available (e.g. if they have left the company), please contact our support.