To display Balances, go to the category Time off > Balances. This page displays the balances of the different types of employee absences over a defined period.
The summary shows the days taken and the days remaining in the selected period.
To filter by the different results, click the three bars on the top right corner and click Add filters.
Then, select a filter.
Accrual period end date
Accrual period start date
Current usage period
Time off policy
Time off type
Usage period end date
Usage period start date
Once you have selected a filter, you can add another, like the current usage period start date, or click Apply filter to display the results.
When you click on an Employee’s balance row, you can find more details:
Policy: The name of the policy the request falls under.
Time off type: The type of time off requested.
Accrual period: The period the time off is accrued.
Usage period: The period the time off is being used.
Allowance: The total number of days allocated for this type of time off.
Used: The number of days used for this request.
Balance: The total number of days left after the request was approved.
Requests: Any other requests associated with this particular request.
The entries displayed can also be exported in CSV format by clicking on the Export button on the top right corner.
Editing a balance
Go to Settings > Configuration > Time off > Time off policies.
Select the policy corresponding to the balance you want to edit.
Click on Balances on the left, and select the usage period that you want to edit.
Once you have made a change, click Adjust balances.
A confirmation message will appear.