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Accessible to administrators

Updated over 10 months ago

Visualize your company’s data easily thanks to our selection of reports. There are two types of reports:

  • Dashboards: Import reports from the reports library or create one from scratch.

  • Standard reports: Pre-created dashboards on key data.

⚠️ To ensure all data is accurate, check you have set all employment start dates on employees’ accounts. Otherwise, the report does not include the employee’s data, making the result inaccurate.


When you create a new Dashboard, give it a name and click Save.

Reports Library

You can add reports from the Reports library when you click + Add Reports on the right-hand side.

The reports library has twelve reports to select, divided into four categories:

  • All: Every report available.

  • Employees: Reports about employee data.

  • Payroll: Reports about salaries.

  • Tenure: Reports about how long employees have been employed at the company.

To add any reports, click Add Reports at the top right corner of the report.

When you add a report, you can customize the data:

  • Report title: Change report title

  • Description: Change description

  • Metric: Change what is measured

  • Group by: Select a different criteria to group your data

  • Change the report's look: Visualize your data with Charts and data tables.

  • Display: Bar charts or pie charts.

  • Date range: Period displayed.

  • Sort by: Order in which to display the data.

Create a report from scratch

When you Add report, select Start from Scratch at the top right.

Select between three types of reports:

  • Trend: Visualize your data’s evolution

  • Breakdown: Group essential reports by category

  • Single metric: Focus on a unique value

Once you select one type, you can choose a metric:


  • Employees over time: Track the dynamic shifts in the company’s workforce. Explore detailed data by grouping employees based on teams, locations, etc.

  • Joiners over time: Monitor the growth of new hires in the company over specific periods. Explore detailed data by grouping them based on teams, positions, locations, and more.

  • Leavers over time: Explore the trends in employee departures over specific time frames. Dive into detailed data by grouping them based on teams, locations, and more.


  • Employees: Get a detailed view of current employees working in the company by grouping them into different categories. This metric includes all active employees at least one day in a given time.

Single metric

  • Average salary: Get an average salary overview of all employees or specific positions, locations, teams, and others.

  • Average tenure: Choose this metric to analyze employees' seniority in the company.

  • Total salary: Sum up wages of all employees in the company or by specific groups like teams or locations.

Once you select a report, you must name it and make similar changes to reports from the report library. Additionally, you can Add filters to compare the data you selected to multiple criteria.

Standard reports

Standard reports are pre-created reports you cannot edit. There are seven types of reports:

  • Birthdays: Bar chart to visualize what month most employees celebrate birthdays.

  • Employee data: List of all employees with their gender, contact information, and company position.

  • Employee headcount: Bar chart with employee’s presence per year for each month from their employment date.

  • Employee working week: List of all employee's work days and total weekly work time.

  • Hires: Bar chart of the number and identity of employees hired per month for each year.

  • Seniority profile: Bar chart of how long each employee has been employed in the company.

  • Tracked by time project: Bar charts of how many hours each employee has worked in the company per day, week, or month.


You can change the size and position of dashboard reports any way you like.

You can apply filters to the complete dashboard with the trigram symbol on the right.

Select any number of filters and click Apply Filters.

You can then select any of the specific criteria from each of your filters to apply them to your dashboard.

⚠️ All the filters chosen for each report are overwritten when you select a filter to apply to all dashboards.

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