With Custom modules, you can create customized data structures and define access rules tailored to your account. Two types of modules can be created, Employee Custom Modules and Company Custom Modules.
Creating a module
Employee Custom Module: They appear as a tab in the employees' profile. You can create a list of items (cars, meeting room, staplers, etc…) and assign them to particular employees.
Company Custom Modules: They appear only under the `Company data` tab in main navigation and have no connection to particular employees, will not appear in their profiles etc. They're just general data repositories related to entire company in general
1. To create a new Company Custom Module, go to Settings > Configuration > Company data > Custom Modules for Company Data.
To create new Employee Custom Module go to Settings > Configuration > Employee data > Custom Modules for Employee’s data.
2. Click on Add Custom Modules on the top right.
3. Give the module a name, write an optional description and select any icon to represent it. Then, click on Add and continue on the top right.
4. The following fields are default and only the Name can be edited but you can also create some additional fields with + Add fields. Fields are associated with each new entry in this Custom Module.
Name: Name of the entry.
Assigned employees: A drop down menu of the employee the items has been assigned to (only available for Employee custom module).
Created by: Name of the person who created the entry (automatically created and cannot be edited).
Created at: Date of the entry created (automatically created and cannot be edited).
5. When you create a new field you need to select a type of field and write a name.
Single line text: If you allow for one line of text to be typed.
Multi line text: If you allow for multiple lines of text to be typed.
Single select: If you want people to only select one option from a drop down list.
Multi select: If you want people to select multiple options from a drop down list.
Date: If you allow people to enter a single date.
Date range: If you allow people to add a range of dates.
File: If the field allows adding a file.
Number: If the field requires entering numbers.
Single employee: If you want to allocate the item to a single employee
Checkbox: If you want to ask a question requiring to check a box
When you click the toggle you can also ask for the field to be required so people need to complete it when typing a new entry for this custom field.
💡 You can set up reminders for date fields. These reminders can be configured to trigger at a specific time relative to the date itself and can be assigned to inform individual employees, entire teams, or specific roles within the company.
You can create as many different entries as necessary for each custom field. Fields can be duplicated or removed when you click on them.
📌 To delete a field, you first need to archive it.
6. Once you have created your fields, click Change order to move them around by holding down the field with your mouse and moving it. The fields are displayed in the order they are ordered on the table.
7. Select who can have access to this Custom Module.
Managers and above can have:
No access
View and edit
Assigned employees can have:
No access
View and edit
All employees can have:
No access
View and edit
You can also give custom Access levels to some employees or group of employees.
8. You can choose between two display options:
The Table settings allow you to display optional fields in three sizes: Small, Default, Large.
The eye at the end of the line allows to hide or display a field.
📌 All fields are displayed in the detailed view.
9. Once you made your choices, click Save configuration at the top right.
10. The Custom Module is now displayed in the Company data category on the left or under "Employee data" and in employee profiles if it's Employee Custom Module
11. Start adding new items by completing the fields you created and click Add item.