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Access levels
Updated over 8 months ago

Depending on your company structure, you might need to give different access levels to different user groups or individual users. With Access levels, you can customize employee-level information and give any of the three types of users different rights on employee profile data.

⚠️ Access levels can only be edited by someone with an Administrator account.

⚠️ One access level cannot be used to take away permissions granted by another one or by their user roles.

For example, if a custom access level grants an employee the right to “View” and the "All Employees" access level is set to "View and edit", it overwrites the custom access "View".


In Access levels to employee data, Employees in your company are divided between two main groups and another which puts them together.

  • Employees themselves to their own data

  • Managers and managers higher in the reporting line

  • All Employees: Everyone in the company

Access levels

These are the three types of access levels:

  • View: The User can only see the information.

  • View and Edit: The User can see and modify the information.

  • No access: The User cannot see or modify the information.

⚠️ By default, Administrators have the right to View and Edit any information.

Employees can only View and Edit their personal information but can only View part of the information from All Employees.

Employee profile data

To access Employee’s profile data, go to People > Employee > Employee profile data.

There are seven categories of employee personal information:

  • Professional: The employee’s essential information within the company.

  • Employment details: The employee’s details relative to the company.

  • Company structure: The employee’s place in the company.

  • Personal: Personal details for the employee and personal contact details.

  • Address: Employee’s personal address.

  • Emergency contact: Who to contact in case of emergency at work.

  • Social network: Personal contact on social networking apps.

If you hover your mouse over the lock next to each employee profile data category, you can view an Access summary highlighting who can view or edit this section.

Access levels

In Access levels you can see the access level on any of the seven different categories of Employee’s personal data.

Under Employee profile data, you can edit the Access level for each category per user group.

Under each category, you can edit Access levels for each user group.

💡The I icon next to each category will remind you what relationship this category will have towards employee data.

Click the drop-down arrow to select any of the three options.

Confirm your changes by clicking Save changes in the top-right corner.

Access levels allow you to manage employee’s access to their own and other’s data.

💡 For instance, although most employees’ personal details are only relevant to them and their manager, you might consider granting View access to all employees’ emergency contact details to ensure relatives can be contacted as soon as possible in case of an emergency.

⚠️ As an Administrator, the Access level menu can allow you to give access to All employee's data. When you make a decision to change the permission level for All employees, you will be asked to confirm your decision, as it could have an impact on the Employee’s data.

You will then need to type the name of the category you would like to give View and Edit access to All employees in the box before clicking Confirm.

⚠️ If you provide view and write access to All employees, every single user will have this capability, even if No access has been selected for either Manager and above, Employees, or both.


By default, only administrators have access to reports.

You can change Access levels and select View to allow Employees to consult Reports or View and Edit to allow them to use Report’s functionalities.

⚠️Reports can give all or selected employees access to confidential information, such as salary overview, so it is important to provide access to some only if necessary.


Click on Payroll to display the categories Payroll information, Employee’s salary and Paysheet and Payroll management:

  • Payroll information allows a user to view or edit an employee payroll information in their profile (Tax ID Number, Social Security Number, Health insurance related information, Number of dependants, and Bank details).

  • Employee’s salary and paysheets allows a user to view or edit all employee’s salary and paysheets.

  • Payroll management allows a user to view or manage pay runs category and access employee’s attendance, time off and salary related data.

Just like for Employee’s profile data, you can give View and Edit or No access to Manager and above, Employees or All employees to Payroll information, Employee’s salary and Paysheets. The option to view and edit Payroll management can only be given to all employees, or to select Employee or Team with a Custom Access level.

A similar confirmation message is displayed on the screen if you give access to All employees to Payroll information.

Custom Access Levels

Manage the access levels of specific employees and Teams more precisely by adding custom access.

However, if an employee A is given the right to only View Professional information by a Custom Access level, but All Employees are given the right to View and Edit, then Employee A also has the right to View and Edit.

💡For instance, if all employees have no view-and-write access to Company structure information other than theirs, granting custom access levels to all members of the Marketing team means those employees will have access.

1. Click Add custom access level.

2. In the right-hand sidebar, select Employee or Teams, and click on the drop-down menu to select the relevant person or team.

📌 You can create only one custom access at a time for a user or a team.

3. Under Access level, select the relevant access level for the user or team.

4. Custom access levels to employee data can be restricted to allow only members of selected teams to access it.

If you disable this option, this access level allows authorized employees to access every employee in the company’s data.

5. Click Add custom access level to save your selection.

6. A summary of the Custom access level will be displayed on the page.

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